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Albert Hall
вт юли 07 2020, 02:20 Цитирай
Регистриран потребител #8818
Регистриран: ср юли 01 2020, 02:26
съобщения: 12
The avakin life online game is pretty fun and I like meeting new people.... but I’m really just there for the fashion and designing your own home! What I really wish for is being able to wear more than just one tattoo and parts of your body... I wanted to crest an avatar tattooed up from neck to toe but it isn’t possible though I still love the tattoos in the game! I would also like cooler gloves as well, biker gloves spiky ones all black but even still this game is a must! Also earning Ava coins is really hard and everything is super expensive I wish the price could be lowered or obtaining the coins would be easier... another cool thing would be the interaction with the pets if it could be like “sit rollover” etc you know actually play with them... last but not least is the messaging people(not through chat) I wish it could be easier to do so like instead we click on their name and all our messages pop up. The way it’s set up right now is very confusing when you are messaging multiple people at once. It could be like the private chats but instead just the messages. I believe the would make it a lot easier. check to try to view this also using pc only, the cool, and unique gun they made.

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